Combo Basic Bridge and Basic House (Makes 35) Ice Cream Sticks
Solar Education
Have you ever wondered about "Triangles"? Well, they're everywhere, just look around. Truss bridges and houses always use triangles because they are so strong. We would like to see everyone make a basic bridge and a house to learn our basic building techniques before moving onto our more advanced projects. This kit contains enough materials to make around 35 Basic Bridges and houses. Don't forget that once you have our special punches the bridges and houses are even cheaper to build just purchase extra resources. Extra punches are also available.
Once you've mastered this project make sure you try the more advanced projects.
In this kit:
3 Special Punches and Guides
1,000 Ice Cream Natural Coloured Sticks (114 mm)
500 Assembly Straws 6mm
250 Spacer Straws (7 mm)
10 Instructions
See also our Refresher Packs which will make the second batch of basic houses at an even a lower price per unit.